Statement of Faith
That we might have unity among us, and that we all speak the same thing as regards the foundation of our faith, and that with integrity we present our witness of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah as those who walk in His light, (I Corinthians 1:10 & Acts 2:42) let it be hereby established that...
(a) All Scripture (Tanakh - Torah, Prophets, Writings) which is completed in the Ketuvim HaShalichim (the Apostolic Writings, commonly known as the New Testament) is given by the Breath/Spirit of Elohim (God), and is to be used for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21)
(b) Hear, O Israel: Y'HoVaH (the LORD, the Most High) is our Elohim. He is One. (Deuteronomy 6:4 & Isaiah 43:10-11)
(c) The nature of Elohim is a compound unity expressed in the aspects of Abba (the Father, Yeshua (Jesus, Salvation, the Son, the Messiah) and Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit/Breath) in this age. (Matthew 28:19 & Isaiah 48:16-17)
(d) Y'HoVaH, His Word and Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) are eternal. That is: He, His Word, His Spirit and His will has always been, and will always be, the same. (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8 & Matthew 5:18; 24:35)
(e) The Shabbat (Sabbath), the seventh day of the week, is the created holy day of Y'HoVaH, which He gave to mankind and covenanted with His people as a sign forever. (Exodus 31:16, Genesis 2:2-3, Isaiah 58:13-14 & Matthew 12:8)
(f) Yeshua of Natzeret (Jesus) is the Messiah of Israel, the Saviour of the world, the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is Adonai who appeared among mankind in the flesh, and now is glorified with all power in Heaven and on Earth, at the right hand of Abba (the Father). (John 1:12-14, Acts 7:55-56 & Hebrews 10:12)
(g) Messiah Yeshua is the ultimate and final sacrifice required for the removal of sins. He was born of a virgin, was sinless and performed miracles. He died by execution stake (stagion) on a tree (xulon) an atoning death and rose from the dead three days afterward. Everyone who believes the above, repents of their sins and trusts that Yeshua is the Messiah, are forgiven their sins and come into a renewed covenant with Y'HoVaH through Him. Therefore they become inheritors of all the promises Y'HoVaH made with Abraham, Isaac and Israel. (John 1:29, Isaiah 7:14;9:6-7, Matthew 1, Hebrews 4:15; 2:4, Leviticus 17:11, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, Romans 5:6-11, Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 27:50-28:20, Romans 10:9-12 & 1 Corinthians 5-7)
(h) The Ketuvim HaShalichim (the Apostolic Writings, commonly known as the New Testament) in Messiah Yeshua brings with it a new creation of the human spirit. The Torah (Teachings/Instructions) ofY'HoVaH is planted within, so the Ruach HaKodesh may indwell. An external immersion in water (mikveh) is performed to declare that this has taken place. (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 36:26-27; 39:29, Matthew 3:16; 28:18-20 & Acts 2:38)
(i) The various gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh are given with authority to the body of Mashiyach as Elohim wills. The Promise of Abba, an extra endowment of power and boldness for witnessing, is an immersion (spiritual mikveh) by the Ruach HaKodesh. Each follower should seek to be filled with the various enablements of the Ruach, who gives them as He wills. (Joel 2:27-29, Isaiah 28:11-12, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:4-5; 2:4; 5:32; 10:44-48, 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 & Ephesians 1:13).
(j) The people of Y'HoVaH are a holy Miqra Qahal (Set Apart/Ekklesia) congregation, which is not of this world, in order to gather and celebrate Him at His appointed Holy Feasts, to shine as lights of truth in the darkness and to be a royal priesthood which praises His Name. (Leviticus 23, Matthew 16:18)
(k) The goals of the people of Y'HoVaH are:
i.) To be followers of Yeshua the Messiah, until we mature into the example He left us and to know Him. (Ephesians 4:13 & Matthew 7:20-27)
ii.) To be holy and separate from the world as Y'HoVaH is holy. Therefore, we are to learn and act on those things which make us holy in His sight. (Leviticus 11:44-45 & Ephesians 5:27)
iii.) To renounce ungodliness, worldly passions and to live self-controlled upright lives in reverence of Elohim as revealed in the Tanakh and the Ketuvim HaShalichim. (Titus 2:12)
iv.) To be clean, first in our conscious inner man, and also in our outward walk accordingly as we grow in the Ruach (Spirit) and in our understanding of the Word. (Psalm 51:10 & 1 Thessalonians 4:7)
v.) To be full of love for one another, thus proving we are Yeshua's talmidim (disciples); caring for a lost world and to take the message of the Good News of Hope in Yeshua to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. (John 13:34-35, Romans 1:16 & 1 John 4:7-8)
(l) The hope of eternal live, ruling with Yeshua in His Kingdom forever, is available to his faithful and obedient servants as a sure promise. (Job 19:25-27, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & Revelation 19-22).
(m) Yeshua will judge all mankind of every act and word ever committed. He will decide the sentence for punishment and all those not meeting His standards will be sent away from His presence, into outer darkness and eternal punishment for the sin. (Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:31-46 & Revelation 20)
(n) The final plan for the Israel of Elohim is to bring the remnant of the faithful Jewish people, and the remnant of those Believers who were formerly Gentiles, but recovered from the world by faith, back together and united into one holy people under one Shepherd, namely Yeshua, the Messiah, This will complete the tearing down of the wall of partition, which is a necessary part of the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets. (Isaiah 56:8, Hosea 1-2, John 10:16, Romans 9:26 & Acts 3:21)
(o) Hebrews who are children of Israel according to the flesh (descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob (Israel) whether through the bloodline of the mother or the father) who place their faith in Israel's Messiah Yeshua having not disowned or separated themselves from their race and Hebrew roots, remain sons and daughters of Israel and thus should celebrate their heritage. God fearers who place their faith in Israel's Messiah Yeshua are also spiritually sons and daughters of Israel and thus also share in this rich and meaningful heritage. (Romans 2:28-29, Acts 21:17-26, Galatians 3:28-29 & Deuteronomy 28)
(p) The m'chitza (wall of partition) which in times past separated Jews and Gentiles has been broken down; the enmity between them eradicated by the Messiah Yeshua (Ephesians 2:12-14)
(q) The Renewed Covenant body of Y'HoVaH is composed of both Jews and Gentiles who have accepted Israel's Messiah, Yeshua, as the promised Redeemer and are able to worship together in the House of Elohim. (John 10:16, 1 Corinthians 12:13, & Hebrews 10:25)
(r) It is our prayer that Y'HoVaH will bring back the church to an understanding of its Hebrew heritage and roots so that both Jew and Gentile may know the spiritual reality of being one in the Messiah Yeshua.
(a) Promote Yeshua HaMashiyach (Jesus the anointed One) as Adonai (Lord) and Saviour.
(b) Advance the beliefs of the Declaration of Principle, in Australia and other Nations and to work for the building up, extension and renewal of the Body of the Mashiyach (Christ).
(c) Assemble on Shabbat and celebrate other relevant feast days according to Torah. Worship Y'HoVaH Elohim; read and teach His Word and observe the remembrance of Yeshua.
(d) Further propagate the Netzarim Messianic Faith in Australia and elsewhere through evangelism and by the establishment of further Assemblies and missionary works with similar objectives.
(e) Develop and train Netzarim ministers and leaders to function within the assembly of Y'HoVaH throughout the world.
(f) Render Spiritual oversight, care and assistance (whether material or otherwise) and such other help as may be deemed appropriate to meet the needs of Assembly members, those associated with the Assembly and as far as practicable, to all persons everywhere.
(g) Provide support to other assemblies, organizations, societies or individuals who have similar objectives.
(h) Provide educational programs to other institutions.
(i) Assist members of this and other assemblies to live whole and balanced lifestyles equipping them for ministry to plant or oversee new assemblies and be a blessing to the society in which they live.
(j) Undertake charitable work or activities as the directors shall approve.
Points of Order
1. THE HOLY NAME: The personal name of our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe is a four letter Hebrew word spelt with the Hebrew letters Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey. The equivalent letters in English are YHVH. The name YHVH is correctly pronounced Y'HoVaH. When spoken aloud, the name Y'HoVaH is to be spoken with reverence for it is in no way a common name. We reject the Jewish tradition that generally supresses the aloud pronunciation of the Holy Name. This tradition substitutes pseudonyms such as: "the I AM" in English; "Hashem" (the Name) in Hebrew; as well as "Adonai", "the Most High" and "Avinu (Our Father)". However in Beit Gan-Eden people who prefer to adhear to this tradition are free do do so. Messiah Yeshua said that in prayer to start with, "Avinu (Our Father)."
2. MESSIAH'S NAME: The name of our Messiah was and is Yeshua or Y'shua meaning both "salvation" and "Yah who is salvation" in Hebrew. The term "Yahshuah" is not correct Hebrew pronunciation. As a proper honour, He should be referred to as "Messiah Yeshua," "Yeshua the Messiah" or "Adonai Yeshua" rather than just "Yeshua" alone, which is a common first name in some societies.
3. NAME AS AUTHORITY: The idea of '"name" in Hebrew is that of "authority" without referring to the sound of the syllables. Use of a name means use of the authority behind the name. Therefore, it is more important to know by what authority something is done, rather than the spoken syllables. When Messiah said He came in His Father's Name, He was referring to the Father's Authority, not the syllables of the Holy Name.
4. THE TORAH: The Torah may refer to either the Five Books of Moses, the entire Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) or the whole Bible, depending on usage. The Torah in our usage never refers to the Talmud but, while we do not consider the Talmud or any other commentary on the Scriptures as the Word of G-d, we believe that the writings of Oral Tradition, such as the Talmud, the Mishnah, and the Midrash Rabbah, also contain further insight into the character of G-d and His dealings with His people. The Torah is given for our protection, not for our perfection. We do not practice in the Diaspora those parts of Torah which require residence in the land, a theocratic civil government and/or a consecrated Temple on Mount Moriah.
5. LEADERSHIP & GENDER: Recognizing that the Scriptures state that under the Renewed Covenant there is an absolute equality of men and women, recognizing the need for unity in the body, and recognizing that there are differing perspectives on the Scriptural regulations on women in ministry, we believe that such issues are best decided by individual congregations to meet their own needs and in keeping with their own views on this divisive issue.
6. THE TALIT: The traditional Talit (white with dark stripes) may be worn by men. Women may wear a Bat Mitzvah type pastel coloured Talit that is not mistaken for a man's Talit. The Talit may be worn day or night with the blue thread attached to white Tzitzit if available.
(a) All Scripture (Tanakh - Torah, Prophets, Writings) which is completed in the Ketuvim HaShalichim (the Apostolic Writings, commonly known as the New Testament) is given by the Breath/Spirit of Elohim (God), and is to be used for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:15-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Peter 1:21)
(b) Hear, O Israel: Y'HoVaH (the LORD, the Most High) is our Elohim. He is One. (Deuteronomy 6:4 & Isaiah 43:10-11)
(c) The nature of Elohim is a compound unity expressed in the aspects of Abba (the Father, Yeshua (Jesus, Salvation, the Son, the Messiah) and Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit/Breath) in this age. (Matthew 28:19 & Isaiah 48:16-17)
(d) Y'HoVaH, His Word and Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) are eternal. That is: He, His Word, His Spirit and His will has always been, and will always be, the same. (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8 & Matthew 5:18; 24:35)
(e) The Shabbat (Sabbath), the seventh day of the week, is the created holy day of Y'HoVaH, which He gave to mankind and covenanted with His people as a sign forever. (Exodus 31:16, Genesis 2:2-3, Isaiah 58:13-14 & Matthew 12:8)
(f) Yeshua of Natzeret (Jesus) is the Messiah of Israel, the Saviour of the world, the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is Adonai who appeared among mankind in the flesh, and now is glorified with all power in Heaven and on Earth, at the right hand of Abba (the Father). (John 1:12-14, Acts 7:55-56 & Hebrews 10:12)
(g) Messiah Yeshua is the ultimate and final sacrifice required for the removal of sins. He was born of a virgin, was sinless and performed miracles. He died by execution stake (stagion) on a tree (xulon) an atoning death and rose from the dead three days afterward. Everyone who believes the above, repents of their sins and trusts that Yeshua is the Messiah, are forgiven their sins and come into a renewed covenant with Y'HoVaH through Him. Therefore they become inheritors of all the promises Y'HoVaH made with Abraham, Isaac and Israel. (John 1:29, Isaiah 7:14;9:6-7, Matthew 1, Hebrews 4:15; 2:4, Leviticus 17:11, Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, Romans 5:6-11, Ephesians 2:8, Matthew 27:50-28:20, Romans 10:9-12 & 1 Corinthians 5-7)
(h) The Ketuvim HaShalichim (the Apostolic Writings, commonly known as the New Testament) in Messiah Yeshua brings with it a new creation of the human spirit. The Torah (Teachings/Instructions) ofY'HoVaH is planted within, so the Ruach HaKodesh may indwell. An external immersion in water (mikveh) is performed to declare that this has taken place. (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 36:26-27; 39:29, Matthew 3:16; 28:18-20 & Acts 2:38)
(i) The various gifts of the Ruach HaKodesh are given with authority to the body of Mashiyach as Elohim wills. The Promise of Abba, an extra endowment of power and boldness for witnessing, is an immersion (spiritual mikveh) by the Ruach HaKodesh. Each follower should seek to be filled with the various enablements of the Ruach, who gives them as He wills. (Joel 2:27-29, Isaiah 28:11-12, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:4-5; 2:4; 5:32; 10:44-48, 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 & Ephesians 1:13).
(j) The people of Y'HoVaH are a holy Miqra Qahal (Set Apart/Ekklesia) congregation, which is not of this world, in order to gather and celebrate Him at His appointed Holy Feasts, to shine as lights of truth in the darkness and to be a royal priesthood which praises His Name. (Leviticus 23, Matthew 16:18)
(k) The goals of the people of Y'HoVaH are:
i.) To be followers of Yeshua the Messiah, until we mature into the example He left us and to know Him. (Ephesians 4:13 & Matthew 7:20-27)
ii.) To be holy and separate from the world as Y'HoVaH is holy. Therefore, we are to learn and act on those things which make us holy in His sight. (Leviticus 11:44-45 & Ephesians 5:27)
iii.) To renounce ungodliness, worldly passions and to live self-controlled upright lives in reverence of Elohim as revealed in the Tanakh and the Ketuvim HaShalichim. (Titus 2:12)
iv.) To be clean, first in our conscious inner man, and also in our outward walk accordingly as we grow in the Ruach (Spirit) and in our understanding of the Word. (Psalm 51:10 & 1 Thessalonians 4:7)
v.) To be full of love for one another, thus proving we are Yeshua's talmidim (disciples); caring for a lost world and to take the message of the Good News of Hope in Yeshua to the Jew first and also to the Gentile. (John 13:34-35, Romans 1:16 & 1 John 4:7-8)
(l) The hope of eternal live, ruling with Yeshua in His Kingdom forever, is available to his faithful and obedient servants as a sure promise. (Job 19:25-27, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & Revelation 19-22).
(m) Yeshua will judge all mankind of every act and word ever committed. He will decide the sentence for punishment and all those not meeting His standards will be sent away from His presence, into outer darkness and eternal punishment for the sin. (Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:31-46 & Revelation 20)
(n) The final plan for the Israel of Elohim is to bring the remnant of the faithful Jewish people, and the remnant of those Believers who were formerly Gentiles, but recovered from the world by faith, back together and united into one holy people under one Shepherd, namely Yeshua, the Messiah, This will complete the tearing down of the wall of partition, which is a necessary part of the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets. (Isaiah 56:8, Hosea 1-2, John 10:16, Romans 9:26 & Acts 3:21)
(o) Hebrews who are children of Israel according to the flesh (descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob (Israel) whether through the bloodline of the mother or the father) who place their faith in Israel's Messiah Yeshua having not disowned or separated themselves from their race and Hebrew roots, remain sons and daughters of Israel and thus should celebrate their heritage. God fearers who place their faith in Israel's Messiah Yeshua are also spiritually sons and daughters of Israel and thus also share in this rich and meaningful heritage. (Romans 2:28-29, Acts 21:17-26, Galatians 3:28-29 & Deuteronomy 28)
(p) The m'chitza (wall of partition) which in times past separated Jews and Gentiles has been broken down; the enmity between them eradicated by the Messiah Yeshua (Ephesians 2:12-14)
(q) The Renewed Covenant body of Y'HoVaH is composed of both Jews and Gentiles who have accepted Israel's Messiah, Yeshua, as the promised Redeemer and are able to worship together in the House of Elohim. (John 10:16, 1 Corinthians 12:13, & Hebrews 10:25)
(r) It is our prayer that Y'HoVaH will bring back the church to an understanding of its Hebrew heritage and roots so that both Jew and Gentile may know the spiritual reality of being one in the Messiah Yeshua.
(a) Promote Yeshua HaMashiyach (Jesus the anointed One) as Adonai (Lord) and Saviour.
(b) Advance the beliefs of the Declaration of Principle, in Australia and other Nations and to work for the building up, extension and renewal of the Body of the Mashiyach (Christ).
(c) Assemble on Shabbat and celebrate other relevant feast days according to Torah. Worship Y'HoVaH Elohim; read and teach His Word and observe the remembrance of Yeshua.
(d) Further propagate the Netzarim Messianic Faith in Australia and elsewhere through evangelism and by the establishment of further Assemblies and missionary works with similar objectives.
(e) Develop and train Netzarim ministers and leaders to function within the assembly of Y'HoVaH throughout the world.
(f) Render Spiritual oversight, care and assistance (whether material or otherwise) and such other help as may be deemed appropriate to meet the needs of Assembly members, those associated with the Assembly and as far as practicable, to all persons everywhere.
(g) Provide support to other assemblies, organizations, societies or individuals who have similar objectives.
(h) Provide educational programs to other institutions.
(i) Assist members of this and other assemblies to live whole and balanced lifestyles equipping them for ministry to plant or oversee new assemblies and be a blessing to the society in which they live.
(j) Undertake charitable work or activities as the directors shall approve.
Points of Order
1. THE HOLY NAME: The personal name of our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe is a four letter Hebrew word spelt with the Hebrew letters Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey. The equivalent letters in English are YHVH. The name YHVH is correctly pronounced Y'HoVaH. When spoken aloud, the name Y'HoVaH is to be spoken with reverence for it is in no way a common name. We reject the Jewish tradition that generally supresses the aloud pronunciation of the Holy Name. This tradition substitutes pseudonyms such as: "the I AM" in English; "Hashem" (the Name) in Hebrew; as well as "Adonai", "the Most High" and "Avinu (Our Father)". However in Beit Gan-Eden people who prefer to adhear to this tradition are free do do so. Messiah Yeshua said that in prayer to start with, "Avinu (Our Father)."
2. MESSIAH'S NAME: The name of our Messiah was and is Yeshua or Y'shua meaning both "salvation" and "Yah who is salvation" in Hebrew. The term "Yahshuah" is not correct Hebrew pronunciation. As a proper honour, He should be referred to as "Messiah Yeshua," "Yeshua the Messiah" or "Adonai Yeshua" rather than just "Yeshua" alone, which is a common first name in some societies.
3. NAME AS AUTHORITY: The idea of '"name" in Hebrew is that of "authority" without referring to the sound of the syllables. Use of a name means use of the authority behind the name. Therefore, it is more important to know by what authority something is done, rather than the spoken syllables. When Messiah said He came in His Father's Name, He was referring to the Father's Authority, not the syllables of the Holy Name.
4. THE TORAH: The Torah may refer to either the Five Books of Moses, the entire Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) or the whole Bible, depending on usage. The Torah in our usage never refers to the Talmud but, while we do not consider the Talmud or any other commentary on the Scriptures as the Word of G-d, we believe that the writings of Oral Tradition, such as the Talmud, the Mishnah, and the Midrash Rabbah, also contain further insight into the character of G-d and His dealings with His people. The Torah is given for our protection, not for our perfection. We do not practice in the Diaspora those parts of Torah which require residence in the land, a theocratic civil government and/or a consecrated Temple on Mount Moriah.
5. LEADERSHIP & GENDER: Recognizing that the Scriptures state that under the Renewed Covenant there is an absolute equality of men and women, recognizing the need for unity in the body, and recognizing that there are differing perspectives on the Scriptural regulations on women in ministry, we believe that such issues are best decided by individual congregations to meet their own needs and in keeping with their own views on this divisive issue.
6. THE TALIT: The traditional Talit (white with dark stripes) may be worn by men. Women may wear a Bat Mitzvah type pastel coloured Talit that is not mistaken for a man's Talit. The Talit may be worn day or night with the blue thread attached to white Tzitzit if available.